The Final Driving Tip of 2014

Yes, it is handiest appropriate that we end 2014 with a using tip. This golfing.Com article says it will come up with 10 greater yards with your motive force -- indeed, that it's going to make you longer with each club within the bag.

I found this charming because it's a tip that goes towards the advice you pay attention from maximum teachers... However it is truly a essential of the traditional swing from a century in the past!

As you can see from the object's photo, you're looking to get the club shaft parallel to the floor at waist excessive instead of taking the membership lower back so sharply inner. I robotically suggest this flow -- you may test out my now infamous article on the way to make a relaxed one-piece takeaway if you want proof -- but what sticks out in this text is how Brad Brewer recommends you do it. He says:

Take your normal grip together with your driving force and then allow go together with the final 3 hands on every hand, leaving only your thumbs and index palms on the handle.
Yes, he's suggesting that you do his drill while holding the club with the thumb and forefinger of each hand. Ever since Hogan became the yardstick for golf teachers, this has been a no-no! Such a grip supposedly tightens the wrist and limits the free cocking and uncocking of the wrists.

However, the great Harry Vardon -- you know, the guy they named the Vardon grip after! -- recommended exactly the same thing in his 1905 book The Complete Golfer. He specifically said that the grip should be concentrated in the forefinger and thumb of each hand to improve release. There are a variety of reasons why this makes sense, but let me suggest just one...

When you need to apply a flyswatter or a tack hammer -- gear which require loads of comfortable wrist movement -- don't you grip them in general together with your thumb and forefinger?

While Brewer is simply suggesting this as a drill -- and he does point out that it will feel ordinary at the beginning, so do not be surprised -- you might want to bear in mind trying it at the course after you get used to it on the variety. You is probably surprised at how freely your wrists circulate while you focus your grip in those fingers.

And with that tip, we bid farewell to 2014. Remember not to drink and force tonight... Mainly in case you generally tend to hit wild slices or duckhooks. ;-)

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