Forget "Golf Naked" - Try "Golf Korean"

I intend to take another examine Jiyai Shin's swing tomorrow (I notion I'd finished it earlier than, however I should handiest locate this one). In the meantime, I determined this video she made about a yr in the past.

Problem is, it's in Korean.

Nevertheless, I'm going to submit it due to the fact (1) we don't listen her speak a whole lot in Korean in interviews, so it's exciting and (2) there are some helpful portraits that I can refer back to after I do the swing submit. The primary matters I became capable of get from it involved:

  1. how different length clubs affect her posture,
  2. how her swing is similar to Ben Hogan's (I'll come back to that tomorrow), and
  3. how she keeps her posture during the swing.
The graphics in the video illustrate points 1 and 3. Here's it is:

It's amazing how much you can pick out just by watching her swing. (Like that beautiful rhythm she has.) I'll pick up on it again tomorrow.