Doesn't that sound like an easy concern for a quick vacation submit? Actually, it's far.
Proprioception is a ten-dollar word to describe your awareness of how your body is moving based on how the muscles feel. Here's a good example: Take a spoonful of food off your plate, then close your eyes and try to put it in your mouth. You probably won't have much trouble doing that. In fact, you can probably decide to stop your hand pretty close to halfway between the plate and your mouth without actually seeing where your hand stops.You've made this movement so much that you "just know" where your hand is, even though you're not watching it move with your eyes. That's proprioception at work.
Simple sufficient, isn't always it? Proprioception is what lets in you to maintain your balance as properly.
I've got a couple of short videos for you about it. One was done by Sean Foley for Golf Digest. Yeah, it's got some of the technical talk that Foley is famous for, but it's basically about how swinging barefoot can help you develop a better golf swing a la Sam Snead, who was famous for practicing that way. He even played some holes at the Masters that way one year.
This other video has examples of the sorts of physical games that assist you to broaden your balance the use of proprioception. As big because the word is, the sports it describes are quite easy.
Many of the drills I endorse in this weblog -- in particular the ones that do not require a club -- are essentially proprioception drills. They help you cognizance on how your body moves at some point of your swing, so you have a base of "movement knowledge" on which to construct your swing capabilities.
And if not anything else, you now have a new phrase that you could use to electrify your friends at those uninteresting New Year's Eve parties on Monday night. ;-)