Tom Watson on Pitching from a Tight Lie

With Tom Watson leading the US Ryder Cup team this week, it only makes sense to have a playing tip from the Captain. Here's his newest tip at Golf Digest -- this one's on pitching from a tight lie (and yes, that's Rickie Fowler demonstrating in the photo):

Rickie Fowler pitching from a tight lie

Tom's simple tip for pitching from a good lie -- that is, when there may be no cushion of grass below the ball -- is to transport the ball back approximately an inch on your stance and make a barely steeper stroke, to insure which you hit down on the ball. That's it. No fancy membership face manipulation or other complex stuff. He says in case you hit it a chunk skinny, you will probable nevertheless get a great shot. (In truth, he frequently plays for a thin shot.)

He says to practice brief pitches first, for you to get a feel for the shot, then flow directly to longer golf equipment. Here's the video he included; you can also see it at the above hyperlink if it doesn't embed properly:

Tom also suggests pitching into a crosswind rather than riding the wind. He says that the wind impacts short pictures greater than maximum human beings assume, especially after the ball lands. Pitching into the wind minimizes the rollout.

You know, I guess the best a part of being at the Ryder Cup group is being capable of have Tom show you how to play those kinds of photographs in person.