Anna Rawson on the Power Draw

A few months back I posted a video from Golf Digest's Sexiest Shots in Golf series where Anna Rawson demonstrated how to hit a checked wedge. Well, I've brought Anna back to demonstrate how to hit a big power draw with your driver. Take it away, Anna...

Okay, it's three quite simple steps:

  1. Use a stronger lead hand grip. (Note that Anna actually strengthens BOTH hands. That should guarantee that you don't leave the club face open.)
  2. Tee the ball a little more forward in your stance.
  3. Close your stance AND your shoulders.
You need all 3 for this to work. You close your stance and your shoulders --even if you close your stance, it won't work if your shoulders are open -- and you move the ball forward to give you more time to square up your hands. Those 2 things delay impact by making the club head travel farther before it gets to the ball. Then the stronger grip forces you to square up the club face... because if you're slicing the ball, you aren't getting it squared.

You'll must test with these three steps a chunk to see just how a great deal you want to adjust every one. You might also want to transport the ball farther ahead but not near your stance as a great deal, or you can want to shut your stance greater and pass the ball less. You can also want to make your grip plenty stronger or only a bit more potent. But this method need to assist you get that draw while you hit your driving force.

If you need some extra help, go to my Some Useful Post Series page and check out the "How to Hit a Draw" series. There's both a right-handed and a left-handed version of the series that might help you get more out of this video.

And in case the video didn't embed, here's the link to the authentic.