More from Jim McLean About the Slot

Many of you watched The Golf Fix Monday night and heard Michael Breed talking to Jim McLean about "the slot." For those of you who are interested in learning more about it, here's a 15-minute video Jim did a few years back about those 3 ways of "getting in the slot."

I'm no longer even going to attempt to summarize this video because there may be a lot information right here and it is possibly that simplest one-1/3 of the information will help anybody of you. (After all, if there are three approaches to hit the slot, you are only going to use one in every of them.) So I'll can help you watch this and type out the data to help you in your personal.

The one thing I do want to point out is something Jim says in this video about perfection. He says that while the idea of a perfectly slotted swing -- especially the one-plane version -- can be useful when you're teaching the slot, it's actually next to impossible to perform a perfect swing because the downswing never exactly retraces the backswing. What you're looking for is a reasonably consistent swing that you can feel time after time. So keep that in mind if you're interested in exploring this "slot" concept.