Feeling Where the Club Face Is Aimed

This little video from Mike Malaska -- he used to paintings with the overdue Jim Flick, among different teachers -- is going through some easy drills and exercise strategies for studying to sense which manner the club face is pointed at impact.

That's honestly pretty simple. You can do the "cellphone drill" for the duration of spare moments at some point of the day, and you may practice the swing drill the usage of plastic balls on your backyard while you cannot get to the range.

One important point here that Malaska mentions at the end: When you practice with a club, swing slowly. That makes it much easier to feel where the club face is pointed because the swing is slow enough for you to recognize where your hands are pointed.

Don't underestimate the importance of simple drills like this. Watch the video several times if necessary to make sure you understand what he's telling you to do. Eye-hand coordination isn't complicated; it just takes repetition over time. If you practice, it will come.