Zach Johnson on Controlling Pitches (Videos)

Since Zach Johnson is leading the Open on the time I'm writing this (among second and 3rd rounds), I notion it might be fun to study his pitching technique. I actually have two motion pictures, one for a 40-backyard shot and another for an 80-yard shot, to present you a higher observe his method.

Compare the similarities between the 40-yarder within the first video with the 80-yarder inside the next one.

Note that Zach has a very flat, very "under the aircraft" swing. While I typically talk about one-piece takeaways, truly because maximum gamers don't swing as flat as Zach, his complete swing is flat as properly so he uses the equal technique. The greater comparable you could make your short sport and long sport techniques, the greater constant you will generally be.

Between the 2 motion pictures, we can choose out those keys for a pitch shot:

  • Narrow stance, slightly open, a little more weight on the lead foot. (Zach says 60%-40%, but you don't have to be too exact about it.)
  • Ball is back in his narrow stance, just inside his trailing foot.
  • Zach doesn't use the "clock technique" -- that is, various length backswings with your hand positions described by clock hands (ie, eight o'clock) -- but goes entirely by feel.
That feel thing is the primary thing he does differently from most of the instructional books you'll find (including mine). He may make the same length swing on both of the shots in the videos, but vary the Speed of his swing rather than the length. It's a method that requires more practice but may suit some of you better. Trust me, you'll know if it does!

And in reality it really works nicely for Zach. Always cross for the technique that works best for you, no longer some supposedly "right" manner of playing. We're every special, and we ought to learn how to play to our strengths if we hope to play properly.

It will be interesting to look how Zach finishes this foremost. Tough conditions play into his fingers, as witnessed by using his majors coming on difficult guides in nasty situations. One factor's for positive: if it comes down to a battle of wedges, my money's on Zach.