Caleb Olsen on Downhill Pitch Shots (Video)

PGA instructor Caleb Olsen teaches both uphill and downhill pitch pictures on this video, but it's the downhiller that I'm interested in today. And you'll note some thing thrilling...

Although Caleb says his downhill shoulder is lower than his uphill shoulder (that's his trailing shoulder -- left shoulder for a rightie, right shoulder for a leftie), that isn't what happens at all in this video! Caleb's downhill shoulder is clearly higher, and it's easy to see why.

To get his downhill shoulder lower, he has to lean downhill. That's a totally unstable function, from which he'll have problem making stable effect. But in this role he FEELS like he is raising his trailing shoulder; he is just now not elevating it as a whole lot because it feels to him.

That's why his shoulder turn is so vital. Caleb is making a completely shallow -- very flat -- backswing. He does bend his trailing elbow a touch, however he we could his shoulders do most of the paintings. That shall we him swing his membership along the slope even though he isn't leaning forward. On a full shot, this will be a problem due to the fact he might have problem getting any distance at all; this is a totally brief swing.

But this is a pitch, so he doesn't want a protracted swing. A quick swing with very little hand and arm motion gives him a totally solid swing, making it a whole lot less complicated to make strong touch.

This is certainly some thing you want to practice, particularly to convince your self how little attempt you want in case you do the swing properly. But it's going to pay dividends after you find your self in this role.