Mike Malaska on "Snapping" the Clubhead (Video)

This is evidence that there may be no person way to hit the ball. Mike Malaska, who is a completely respected instructor -- and whose practise has regarded on this weblog before -- demanding situations the whole idea that your palms should be in advance of the ball at effect off a tee.

The reason this video fascinates me is because Malaska is the first trainer I've heard examine impact with a motive force to snapping a towel and then surely translate the snapping motion as it should be to a swing!

There are a number of instructors who've determined that some execs reverse their hip turn slightly at effect. Rory McIlroy is a participant who does so; it's a part of in which his distance comes from. That hip flow additionally creates the snapping effect that Malaska is speakme approximately, but Malaska's technique is a piece less difficult for the common participant to duplicate.

Malaska explains the technique simply enough in this video. What I want you to understand is that he isn't rewriting any swing mechanics. The instructors who teach "hands ahead at impact with a driver" are focusing on leg action to create more rotation and clubhead speed, while instructors like Malaska are focusing on arm and hand motion to create clubhead speed.

In reality, all players use both techniques to create a swing. It's just that some players use more leg action while others use more arm and hand motion. Either one will work, but one will probably fit your body type better than the other. There is no right or wrong answer here -- just an appropriate answer. It all depends on what comes naturally to you.