Eddie Pepperell's Favorite Iron Drill (Video)

In this Golfing World video from January, Eddie Pepperell shares his favorite drill for improving his iron play and explains why he finds it so useful.

Eddie says this drill allows him do more than a few of factors automatically, and he describes it this manner:

  • He addresses the ball with the clubhead outside the ball -- that is, farther from his body than the ball is.
  • He presets his wrists so his trailing elbow is in his desired position to start the backswing and his hands lead the clubhead at impact.
  • When his trailing elbow swings back, it keeps his arms and hands in front of his chest (that's what he means when he says they're below his chest).
  • He re-routes the club (drops his hands) on the way down so his hands swing closer to his body, creating more of an in-to-out swing.
  • From there he keeps the clubface slightly open so he can hit a fade.
There's no reason you couldn't use a similar drill to create a draw. To do it, you would want your hands and arms to move a bit more outward on your downswing, flattening your swing a little so it would be easier to close the clubface slightly at impact and create the draw. The way Eddie swings now -- keeping his hands and arms closer to his body on the downswing -- allows him to make a slightly more upright swing while still coming at the ball from the inside, so he doesn't drive his hips and legs too much.

To make that a bit clearer, Eddie's downswing -- with his hands closer to his body -- keeps him from turning his hips so much and helps him to hit that fade. To get the club moving more outward, you would want you use your hips a bit more to get a bigger outward move with your hands and arms. The extra hip action is what flattens your swing.

If you need to strive each of them, you will possibly locate that one technique is less complicated for you than the other one is. The easier one will in all likelihood fit your herbal shot form greater correctly.

This drill honestly isn't some thing you want to do. But it is a drill that Eddie finds in particular useful and, on the grounds that he performed a lot better in 2018, I concept a number of you would possibly want to realize what he works on.