Sports Science on Lip Outs

Here is a superb video from Sports Science on placing velocity and lip outs.

Pretty a good deal all of this is proper in step with Geoff Mangum's (www.Puttingzone.Com) studies on the concern.

I recognize we have mentioned uphill putts being less complicated to make and the video suggests that it could no longer be the case because the downhill putts gravitate more towards the cup. From my reading of Mangum's paintings, he likes to point out that *may additionally* be a purpose as to why downhill putts *may additionally* be less complicated to make.

However, the research executed from Mark Sweeney of AimPoint and David Orr (www.Orrgolf.Com) suggests that golfers make a better percent of uphill putts than downhill putts for all ranges. To me, this is the final decider.

Perhaps it could provide an explanation for why there are a few exceptions to the rule. I consider Ben Crenshaw pronouncing that he desired downhill versus uphill putts. Whether he sincerely made more downhill than uphill putts is up for debate.

Either way, I suppose this is a required viewing for a higher understanding of putting.