Karen Nannen on Squaring the Clubface (Video)

PGA trainer Karen Nannen has a easy test to look in case you're opening the clubface throughout your backswing.

I know you've heard this tip before, but you've probably been told you should see a certain number of knuckles on your lead hand. But Karen isn't saying that. She just wants you to count how many knuckles you see when you address the ball and then make sure you see the same number of knuckles at the 3/4 point in your backswing.

It's no longer approximately setting your palms a sure way at deal with. It's just about making sure you keep that placing close to the top of your backswing so that you keep the clubface square.

A easy take a look at, to be sure. But if you're starting (or shutting) the clubface at the pinnacle of your backswing, you need to recognise. If you are nonetheless square on the top of your backswing, it is going to be a whole lot easier to rectangular the membership at impact.